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Bob Menendez

New Jersey State Senator

Key Issues:

  • Children and Families: Senator Menendez is focused on keeping children and families safe and giving children in New Jersey tools so that they can reach out and find their potential. He also believes in empowering families that have children with special needs. He supports services for the families of autistic children and the further improvement and investment of autism research.

  • Women's Rights: Senator Menendez’s focus is to secure economic independence for women, guaranteeing equal pay, and supporting working mothers and caregivers. He introduced the international Violence Against Women act which aims to lower the violence against women around the world.


Washington DC office: (202) 224-4744
Newark Office: (973) 645-3030

Party Affiliation:



  • Foreign Relations Committee, Banking Committee, and Finance Committee.


Born on January 1, 1954 in New York City, New York, he atteneded Rutgers University before taking office on January 17th, 2006.

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