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Rob Portman

Ohio State Senator

Key Issues:

  • Jobs and the Economy: In Ohio, the citizens are suffering in the worst economy since The Great Depression. Senator Portman says, “My top priority in the U.S. Senate is to promote policies that help create and foster an environment that leads to job creation and economic growth.” He wants to help Ohioans live better and grow economically. He will also support and make small businesses more successful.

  • Wellness Rewards: A program called Better Health Rewards is a bill that Senator Portman made for his state . “The legislation would develop a 100% voluntary program to help Medicare beneficiaries get and stay healthy by giving participants achievable goals, a plan to reach them and incentives to keep motivated.”


Washington DC office: (202) 224-3353
Columbus Office: (614) 469-6774

Party Affiliation:



  • Joint Economic Committee, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, Committee on Finance, Committee on Foreign Relations, and Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.


Born on December 19, 1955 in Cincinnati, Ohio, Senator Rob Portman atteneded Dartmouth University before taking office in 2011.

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